As 2016 arrives, so does education continue to shift.

Happy New Year!

I hope that all of you reading this enjoyed your celebrations to ring in 2016. I spent time with my friends and then parked myself on the couch to enjoy The Twilight Zone annual marathon. After two weeks off, back to reality on Monday!

Speaking of Christmas break, I did much thinking over the two weeks about the current state of education. In pondering the paradigm shift, I realized that students themselves deserve a bit of discussion as well, especially since the typical student has morphed over the past few years. Indeed, I can honestly say that most of today's students hardly resemble those who roamed the halls even a few years ago. Many reasons exist for that, and starting next week, I plan on devoting a series of entries to talking about the 21st century student. While I will not identify specific students I teach, I will rely on my overall observations and interactions with them to form the basis of my discussion. While various topics will be addressed, my overarching goal is to explain how today's high school (and college) students need more independence but fail to gain it for a number of reasons. Everything I will speak of comes from my own teaching experiences, so actual mileage may vary for you.

In the meantime, may 2016 bring you health, happiness, and a renewed spirit.